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SF transit agency must cease questionable practices

February 27, 2014

Meter Madness

by Examiner Editorial : sfexaminer – excerpt

There are now two incidents in which officials at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency have used handshake agreements with companies to either expedite a process or to avoid it altogether — as was the case with recently revealed news about commuter shuttles. The egregious backroom dealing by the SFMTA and its proxies needs to cease immediately.

In an SF Weekly article in early January, the newspaper documented a handshake deal for new Muni buses that would have the coaches in San Francisco in a more timely manner. The issue is that the buses were delivered to an East Bay facility before the Board of Supervisors approved the contract for the new buses. Officials argued that the deal would have allowed the agency to send the buses back if the contract was not approved.

Then in a Wednesday front-page article, The San Francisco…

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One Comment
  1. February 27, 2014 6:11 pm

    I totally agree. They still owe me $105 from two parking tickets judged to be illegal.
    They have totally screwed up Folsom St by giving one of 2 automobile lanes to bicycles where it was not necessary to do so. This has screwed up traffic downtown to a
    fare-thee-well They’re becoming a major bureaucratic annoyance in this town. There’s electronic parking meters all over the place, but less actual parking. I’m damn tired of it.
    and I’m not going to take it any more. This is revolting. Perhaps that’s what we should do.


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