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Fracking During a Drought Is Crazy

January 30, 2014

By : eastbayexpress – excerpt
The governor wants us to slash water use by 20 percent but is doing nothing about the massive amounts of water that Big Oil and Gas waste during fracking.

When Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency late last week, he urged California residents to reduce water use by 20 percent. The governor’s request seemed reasonable, considering the fact that the state just experienced its driest calendar year on record and the Sierra snowpack now stands at less than 20 percent of normal. The National Weather Service also predicted last week that California’s thirteen-month-long dry spell will last at least three more months, meaning that the state could be facing its worst-ever drought — and its worst-ever water crisis. In his official drought declaration, Brown also outlined steps his administration will take to conserve water throughout the state. But the governor left out one key area in which California could save copious amounts of water at a time when it can ill-afford to waste any — fracking… (more)

  1. January 30, 2014 7:53 am

    I think it won’t matter much. . I remember a protest song from the 50s

    If you visit American city
    You will find it very pretty.
    Just two things of which you must beware….
    Don’t drink the water and don’t breathe the air.
    Pollution, pollution, we got smog and sewage and mud
    Turn on your tap and get hot and cold running running crud.


    • January 30, 2014 11:05 am

      Pete Seeger taught us many things, including you are never too young or too old to protest, and you never have to stop once you start.


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