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“Our grandchildren will still be fighting for democracy”: Why Ali Velshi says it’s worth it

June 11, 2024

By DEAN OBEIDALLAH : salon – excerpt

MSNBC host and author traces his family’s roots and connects their quest for belonging and equality to today

“Why does anyone leave anywhere?” is the compelling title of the first chapter in Ali Velshi’s new book, “Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy.” The award-winning MSNBC host shares his family’s immigration story, which spans from India to South Africa, Kenya, Canada and the U.S., and digs into why so many people around the world decide to pick up and leave their homelands.

As the son of a Palestinian immigrant myself, and especially in contemporary America, where the right so often attacks immigrants with false claims, I connected deeply with what Velshi’s family endured. As he explained during our “Salon Talks” conversation, although immigrants come from many different places and their stories are all different, they’ve come to America for the same reason: the prospect of a better life for themselves and their families.

Velshi, who is particularly known for his background in economic reporting, made clear that our nation still needs immigration, contrary to the stereotypes of conservatives. “Economically, immigrants are an imperative in America,” he said, largely because of the “negative birth rate” among native-born U.S. citizens. But Velshi cautioned that America is “developing into this anti-immigrant society,” with the MAGA movement’s evident focus on preserving white supremacy taking priority over the needs of economic growth… (more)

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  1. sfhistory permalink
    June 11, 2024 9:47 pm

    Interesting story. The US was settled by people from a lot of different cultures perhaps that is the strength of the country. But not all people entering the US are helpful to the country. Gangs from Mexico are perhaps not a useful addition. And there are costs to local governments putting up illegal immigrants in hotels at taxpayer expense. Think most come for a better life and probably just want a chance to work and support a family.


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